So, you’ve got a booth at the Magical Kenya Travel Expo (MKTE) 2024! Awesome! Now, how do you turn all those eyeballs into actual business?

In today’s fast-paced business world, networking has become an essential component of success. As Patrick M. Hennessey aptly stated, “Networking is not about building relationships. It’s about building relationships that build business.”   

According to Hubspot, the average salesperson spends 36% of their time prospecting for new leads. But simply collecting business cards isn’t enough. To truly benefit from networking, you need to cultivate genuine relationships that lead to tangible business opportunities. Think of business cards as seeds. You plant them, but it’s the nurturing that leads to growth. Genuine connections are the fertilizer for business success.

Imagine attending a conference and collecting a pile of business cards. While these cards may seem valuable, they are essentially worthless unless you can turn them into meaningful connections. True networking is about cultivating genuine relationships that lead to tangible business opportunities.

Let’s dive into some practical tips to make the most of your exhibition and networking opportunities.

Clinching the deal

  1. Know Your Why:
  • Why are you here? Are you looking for new clients, partnerships, or just to get your name out there? Having a clear goal will guide your actions. If it is just about getting your name in people’s minds and lips, consider having branded items, giveaways and promotional material.
  • Before diving in, establish your objectives for attending MKTE. As the MKTE 2024 Exhibitor Manual highlights, the expo caters to a diverse audience (see page 1). Are you aiming to:
    • Attract new clients (travel agents, tour operators, travel enthusiasts)?
    • Forge strategic partnerships with tourism boards, hospitality businesses, or government representatives?
    • Increase brand awareness and establish yourself within the African travel market?
  • Having a clear goal will help you tailor your approach and measure your success at MKTE.


  1. Create a Killer Booth:
  • First impressions matter. Your booth is your first impression, so make it count! The Exhibitor Manual offers valuable guidance (page 3) on creating an attractive and informative space. Download it here:
  • Consider:
    • Visually appealing design: Eye-catching visuals that showcase your brand and offerings.
    • Interactive elements: Engage visitors with interactive displays, virtual reality experiences, or even a fun game.
    • Knowledgeable staff: Ensure your team can answer questions, provide expert advice, and connect with potential customers.
  • Make your booth stand out with a catchy design, engaging displays, and friendly staff. Think outside the box- e.g.: if you sell travel packages and one of your destinations is the Kenyan coastline, you can create a literal beach, bring some sand, lounge chairs complete with umbrellas and margheritas. This will draw people to your booth!
  • Offer something unique. Maybe it’s a freebie, a demo, or even a fun game. For example- a quick quiz or cross fire on animal parks we have in Kenya and the winner gets a freebie or package!
  1. Network Like a Pro:
  • MKTE boasts a vibrant community of travel professionals, making it a prime networking ground. Utilize these opportunities to build relationships and forge partnerships. Here are some tips:
    • Attend industry events: Participate in networking events, workshops, and seminars (see page 6 of the Exhibitor Manual for the program).
    • Join professional associations: Connect with relevant groups to expand your reach.
    • Strike up conversations with anyone and everyone: Be proactive and introduce yourself to other exhibitors and attendees. You do not know who your next customer will be.
    • Remember, people love to feel heard, so listen more than you talk.
    • Follow up. Send a quick email after you meet someone to keep the conversation going.
  1. 4. Tailor Your Pitch:
  • Know your audience. Understand their needs and pain points. If they are travelers and budget seem to be a key interest, consider having bundled packages or group discounts.
  • Personalize your pitch. Show them how your product or service can solve their problems. E.g- if you own an organic sunscreen, consider telling them how they will save the environment if they bought your sunscreen.
  1. Offer Value:
  • Don’t just talk about your offerings; showcase them! Use the expo to demonstrate the value you bring to the table. This could involve:
    • Exclusive Deals and Promotions: Entice visitors with special offers for leads generated at MKTE (page 4 of the Exhibitor Manual). e.g- free airport transfers if you are a travel company, free sauce if you are a food vendor, etc.
    • Interactive Demos: Offer live demonstrations of your products or services, such as virtual tours or travel itinerary planning aids.
    • Free Resources: Provide valuable resources like white papers, case studies, or travel guides. This establishes your expertise and positions you as a thought leader.
    • Don’t just sell, educate. Share your expertise and insights. For instance, if you are a food vendor, consider telling your audience about the origin of spices or certain foods.
  1. Generate Leads!
  • MKTE presents a prime opportunity to gather valuable leads from potential clients and partners. Utilize lead capture tools like QR codes, digital forms, or a dedicated app to collect contact information efficiently. Remember to gather relevant details like name, email address, and company (page 5 of the Exhibitor Manual).



  1. Do not drop the ball! Follow up, effectively
  • The real work doesn’t end after the expo. The Exhibitor Manual emphasizes the importance of post-event follow-up (page 5). Reach out to potential leads within 24 hours with a personalized message, highlighting your conversation at MKTE and any relevant resources they might find valuable.
  • Track your leads. See who’s interested and follow up. Start with a recap email- introduce yourself, remind them that you met at MKTE 2024 and then pitch your business.
  1. Measure Your Success and Refine Your Strategy
  • Track your progress throughout and after the event to see what worked well. Use analytics tools to analyze booth traffic, leads generated, and conversions. This data, combined with your own observations, will help you refine your strategy for future events.
  • Use this data to plan your next exhibition. Remember, networking is about building relationships. So, be genuine, be helpful, and have fun! With a little effort, you can turn your exhibition into a goldmine of opportunities.



Think of MKTE 2024 as your golden ticket to the world of travel and tourism. It’s not just about showing off your products or services; it’s about connecting with like-minded professionals, building lasting relationships, and unlocking endless possibilities.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your ticket and join us at the 14th edition of the Magical Kenya Travel Expo 2024 on 2nd to 4th October at Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi. It’s time to make your mark on the industry and turn your exhibition into a roaring success!

Register as an exhibitor here: